Bring us your old, your sick, your dead ...
Friday, 2 February 2024 7:29:00 pm Australia/Melbourne
Each Saturday from now on we are having a session of Turntable tune and repair instore as a way to revive not only your old record player but also perhaps your flagging interest in a vinyl music collection corrupted by a faulty disc spinner.
One of the beauties of a turntable is that they are readily serviced with a few specialist tools and parts and reward a bit of TLC with far better sound and many years of life. In this fashion they are far more kindred to a good guitar or piano rather than a piece of consumer disposable electronics.
We have manufacturer trained reps onsite from Project, Rega, Linn, and Ortofon. Should alas your old vinyl spinner be beyond reincarnation we are offering $100 minimum Trade In on Rega Rp1/Project Carbon and above replacements.
These fellows will be able to check your stylus for wear, check and replace belts, adjust tracking and VTA. Check speed accuarcy and rumble, check for earth leaks and connection issues. Check cartridge performance. Check isolation level and feedback propogation. Check platter accuarcy and trueness. Check compliance compatibility of cartridge and tonearm. Provide opinion on performance and remaining duty cycle and repair viability of an older turntable.