There is a customer in store, right now (2:06pm 16/09/11), listening to the Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario's.

Now, these speakers are $29,999 which is obviously somewhat above your average speaker budget but OMG. This audition is silly, silly amazing.

My first impression of these speakers when unpacking them a couple of months ago, was all about the finish. Never having seen a speaker so well crafted.

Find the link here...

<a target="_blank" href="">Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario</a>

Back to the guy in the shop.

He's playing it loud. Real loud. Described by the customer as modern world gypsy music, it wouldn't normally be my thing but again I say OMG.

Sometimes when you see a speaker of such immaThere is a customer in store, right now (2:06pm 16/09/11), listening to the Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario's.

Now, these speakers are $29,999 which is obviously somewhat above your average speaker budget but OMG. This audition is silly, silly amazing.

My first impression of these speakers when unpacking them a couple of months ago, was all about the finish. Never having seen a speaker so well crafted.

Find the link here...

Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario

Back to the guy in the shop.

He's playing it loud. Real loud. Described by the customer as modern world gypsy music, it wouldn't normally be my thing but again I say OMG.

Sometimes when you see a speaker of such immaculate build, you make the mistake of thinking that they're built for skivvy wearing gentlemen who gently tap their cane slightly out of time with Ashkenazy's batton.

Not so.

I think I made this mistake myself and assumed these speakers were built mainly for classical music but they perform so well with everything else.

My boss Paul has spent the last 20 minutes saying to the customer, staff and himself..."we've never heard these speakers"...

But we have, we've heard them for hours and hours but what he means is; we've never really heard what they're capable of.

Want to be blown away..?

Come in.

Have a listen.culate build, you make the mistake of thinking that they're built for skivvy wearing gentlemen who gently tap their cane slightly out of time with Ashkenazy's batton.

Not so.

I think I made this mistake myself and assumed these speakers were built mainly for classical music but they perform so well with everything else.

My boss Paul has spent the last 20 minutes saying to the customer, staff and himself..."we've never heard these speakers"...

But we have, we've heard them for hours and hours but what he means is; we've never really heard what they're capable of.

Want to be blown away..?

Come in.

Have a listen.