

Thanks to interweb magics, it's now possible to listen to just about any piece of audio ever recorded whenever you feel like it. How good it sounds though, is going to depend on your streamer. Streamers connect to the internet, pull your music across the world (or your network) and play it back on demand. Streamers not only need to sound good, but they've got to help make it easy for you to find that Whitney Houston track late on a Saturday night after your fourth gin and tonic. Don't worry, your secret is safe with us.

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  • Aurender N30SA Caching Music Server/Streamer

    The N30SA is the top of the range in terms of digital source componentry. A dual chassis design separates the very sensitive audio outputs from the noisier CPU boards and power supplies making it incredibly quiet. The blackest black of noise floors presents detail, emotion and resolution in extraordinary quantities.

    Like the N20, the N30SA has at the Coax output the oven baked crystal clock reducing jitter on the output but it also has the capability of adding a master clock to take this unit to new levels of realism.

    Internal 8TB storage comes standard with this unit but it also has the option of adding another SSD or hardrive in the same manner as the other models of Aurender.

    A sublime unit for people who require the best of a digital front end. 

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  • Aurender A30 Flagship Streamer

    The A30 is Aurender's flagship best of the best audio streamer, server, CD ripper and DAC. A jack of all trades and master of them ALL. This is the ultimate in what digital front end can do. Every inch of it is thought out and executed to perfection.

    This unit is going to sit in our reference system with the Sonus Faber Aida 2. 

    Read more about the A30 here at HiFinews review

    And another glowing review from Audiophile style here

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  • Aurender A20 Reference Music Server/Streamer/DAC

    This is essentially the same unit as the A30 from Aurender minus the CD drive and the in built storage. 

    It is the option for people who want the best streamer but have a top notch CD player and CD collection already or those who simply aren't interested in CDs at all.

    The build quality of this unit is second to none. Things like individual toroidal power supplies for each section of circuitry, complete dual mono design that separates the components of the left and right channel, a backup power supply incase power is cut inadvertently, the best materials for isolation and sound quality.

    Special features are the FPGA clock to rnear eliminate the digital jitter, linear power supply with integrated UPS and user installable SSD or hardrives.

    Aurender not only take care of the hardware, they also realise that the software for these units is critical for the audio quality as well as the user interface. They make sure their software sounds the part for such a high quality unit. Delivering the detail and responsiveness that the hardware does. So many digital source devices loose out simply because their software is of poor quality.

    Small touches like fade in and out when changing tracks, an in-app help/service button and simply user interface are features that I love and you will too! 

    This unit eeks out all the detail and depth within the music. It's dynamic, 3 dimensional and exuberant. If your after coloured, sound-of-the-seventies type vibe, this isn't for you. If you're after the best, it is!

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  • Aurender N20 Caching Music Server/Streamer

    Taking the Aurender experience to the next level. Detail, resolution, dynamics and music at your fingertips.

    The eternal question in digital front ends at the moment seems to be Coax or USB out? Well the problem with Coax is that the signal gets 'jittery' that means the data stream doesn't stay consistent leading to inconcise sound and not a big, wide soundstage. But USB can get noisy and it's hard to get a clean signal through USB. The ideal is a Coax that has one of these clocks attached to it. These are baked crystal that essentially regulate the data stream making sure there is minimal to no jitter in the output.

    But these fancy clocks aren't the easiest and most readily available components out there so they get put on into only the higher end units. This elevates the N20 into the next level of performance with a lower noise floor, precise imaging and a limitless soundstage. 

    Other features are the full sized, high resolution colour screen, internal isolation of componentry, easy-to-install SSD or hardrives, tailor made low current CPU board specific for producing the least amount of noise floor in an audio circuit and software that is user friendly but also designed to be the best sounding.

    The very best of digital streaming.


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  • Auralic Vega G3 Streaming DAC

    The Auralic Vega G3 has had its insides redone. It has a new DAC, upgraded processing to the Tesla G3 chip and a new clock to control jitter meaning greatly reduced distortion and noise.

    A couple of other lovely features: the ability to turn off the streaming module completely and simply use it as a high quality DAC, the use of DDR technology to record the signal onto the Tesla G3 chip instead of using the losy Phase Lock Loop circuitry and equiped with HDMI eARC for easy compatibility with AC systems.

    The unit has the option of a substantial upgrade when ou add the Master Clock using the 'Lightning-Link'.

    The Vega G3 has a relaxed mellow sound lacking the harsh abruptness of some digital frontends. It's uniquely listenable not lacking whatsoever in detail, imaging or precision. The utimate in a digital source.

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  • Auralic Aries G3

    This is Auralic's ultimate in streaming transport technology. Transport here simply means there is no DAC. A pure streaming unit eeking out the very best in isolation and componentry.

    The Auralic Aries G3 has new digital femto clocks on both of its digital outputs, it has FPGA based Proteus X1 processor and second generation galvanic isolation tech which separates noisy parts of the circuitry from sensitive parts. 

    What was already a great unit withtheir G2 version is now even better. It has a distinct listenability which is rare with highend digital front ends. A warmth and a depth to the sound which really draws you in.

    Price with 4TB storage onboard $19,995

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  • Auralic Leo GX.1 Reference Master Clock (inc Premium Cable)

    LEO GX.1 is a breakthrough in digital audio system clocking — the first master clock ever
    that can feed a DAC directly with a working signal so precise we had to use new
    benchmarks to measure its performance. Wider staging, pinpoint locational accuracy, and
    an expanded dynamic range are just some of the benefits you’ll hear when you implement
    LEO GX.1’s one-of-a-kind approach to clocking that literally bypasses the traditional
    limitations of internal DAC clocks.

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  • Aurender A15

    Aureder A15 is a do-it-all box that is transparent and revealing in its sound. If you value accuracy and want a streamer with all the bells and whistles, this is the unit for you.

    It has a DAC on board and can function as a preamplifier as well. But if you have an integrated amplifier or a dedicated preamplifier you can bypass the preamplifier function by selecting direct out.

    This unit has 2 bays available for inserting your own hard drives. Aurender leaves the choice of hard drive up to you. For some people 4TB seems like a huge amount, for others, they'll want it pimped out with a 16TB. 

    Like any other Aurender, the A15 uses internal caching. This means when a track is selected it will be downloaded onto the internal SSD before it's played. Once it's in that temporary storage, you don't have to worry about buffering the track, it will play seamlessly. This system also makes things sound better by creating more isolation between input and output signal.

    What we also love about Aurender units and the A15 is the internal tech support. If something's not working quite right or if you just have a question simply go to the link in the app and someone will sort it out for you. We've used this feature when we had an issue with the A30 playing MQA into the Audio Research app. Tech support in the States pushed through a bit of software that fixed it up instantly!

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  • Naim NSC 222 New Classic series streaming preamplifier

    This is a unit that is ultimately a high-end Hi-Fi component but it's ease of use and multitude of functions put it into the upmarket lifestyle realm as well. 'Lifestyle' for me has become a bit of a cringeworthy term that has too often become associated with some compromise in audio quality for the sake of a better end user experience. To be honest though, we should be aiming for both and they are not mutually exclusive!

    Naim embody that ease of use combined with incredible sound. Their streaming app works every time, they have on board DACs to simplify connections and the units are sleek, beautifully finished yet understated and classy. 

    And this combination takes things to the next level. Where the Uniti Nova lets you down on separation and power to drive a difficult set of speakers, this combination proffers that in spades. 

    We tried a couple of different sets of speakers with these three units and like them most with the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage...but come in and try some combinations for yourself.

    Naim products bought from us, a genuine approved Naim dealer, include the full 2 year warranty.

     "Audiophilia" on the NSC222

     "What Hi Fi?" on the NSC222

     "Secrets of Home Theatre and High Fidelity" on the NSC222 as a system with 250 power and 300 power supply

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  • Auralic Vega G2.2 Streaming DAC

    A do-it-all unit from the digital powerhouse, Auralic.

    Is it a DAC? Is it a Streamer? or a Preamplifier that can even integrate into your AV system with HDMI?....It's all of that.

    The Vega G2.2 has internal springs acting as an isolator for better sound. Don't put another unit on top of this one as you will negate the effects of the springs!

    It has a unique double chassis reducing interference and keeping things super quiet with no pesky external radio frequencies getting through the protective covering.

    Included is also the galvanic isolation tech which separates noisy and sensitive parts of the internal circuitry from each other also keeping noise floor to an absolute minimum.

    This unit really sings effortlessly. Like all Auralic's it has a warmth and depth to the sound which is hard to find in digital front ends. Not everyone will like that. But for those who do, they will love it!

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  • Aurender N200 Caching Music Server/Streamer

    The Aurender N200 is a luxury digital source for any serious HiFi system. Its sound is clear and transparent with a lot of definition. It will not make any apologies though for a crappy recording. Those sub par recordings will come out sound just as they were made!

    A couple of really cool features on this unit: The filter on the ethernet port goes to helping that clear, defined sound. There's so much noise that makes its way from Routers to our streamers. We can help this by getting a really good ethernet cable (...nordost make some great ones...) but a filter is a fantastic addition.

    It comes with a Coax out. Although Aurender recommend using the USB out, the Coax is a good contingency as not everyone is fortunate enough to have a USB inputs.

    The USB output has also been specially dealt with on the unit to ensure it is electronically and physically separate from the main boards of the N200 for an even cleaner sound.

    The lovely 6.9" screen is a drawcard that is often only found on higher end units.

    The last thing about this unit, and in fact all Aurenders, is you don't need to be a computer wizz to get around the software. It is so simple to use. It even has an in-app service helpline that puts you in contact with very knowledgeable people in the States. We used it, and they pushed through an update that solved our issue in minutes.

    There are trays to add hard drives into the unit. It can store up to 16TB worth of songs...that's a ridiculous amount. These are simple to put in yourself at home, you just need a phillips head screwdriver. Unlike much of the competition which need to go in to technicians to insert the hard drives.

    This unit does not include the fancy clocking devices that are found in its higher-end siblings but it still gets very close in sound quality to them. For many people it will represent the perfect balance of quality and value.

    Overall a beautifully made and superb sounding unit.

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  • Aurender ACS10

    Aurender has just recently joined our ever expanding group of digital streamers. Quickly establishing themselves as one of the very best digital front end offerings in the world, Aurender was Founded in 2011 by Harry Lee. Made in South Korea, it has at it's core a team of people passionate about producing the very best in music.

    The ACS10 is a streamer, CD ripper, hard drive storage & caching server. A veritable do-it-all unit for your digital front end. When your source material is dealt with from start to finish in an audio sensitive manner, the music is simply better.

    See the official Aurender website here

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  • Auralic Altair G2.2 Streaming DAC preamplifier

    The Altair G2.1 is the unit in Auralic's range that does it all. A Preamplifier, DAC and Streamer with options to put in a 2TB hard drive. 

    The Preamplifier is also a full blown analogue preamplifier. Not only does it have the analogue line and Moving Magnet phono inputs, it also doesn't simply convert these into digital signals within the chassis. Rather they are kept completely separate from the digital circuitry. Also the volume control is an analogue design based on resistive ladder construction. A less noisy, cleaner choice than other designs out there. Such all-in-one units have tended to use cheaper less fullfilling preamplifier modules that I normally recommend customers to bypass. That's not the case here. As oppossed to the G1.1 the preamplifier section on this unit has an increased output level and a HDMI input and a Home Theatre Bypass. You can also disengage the preamplifier stage if your using it with an offboard preamplifier. 

    This unit also employs galvanic isolators in between its sensitive tesla processors and audio circuits to keep its noise floor absolutely inert.

    The Tesla G3 processing forms the basis of this unit's streaming platform. It has Quad core, 64 bit processor...the best of the best.

    Also a superior power supply and thick copper shielded chassis with isolating feet mean that noise and vibrations are kept to an absolute minimum. Couple that with a pair of super accurate clocks reducing jitter and this is a unit that stands above others in its category.

    Clean, effortless sound and a unit that ticks all the boxes without compromise.

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  • Auralic Aries G2.2 Streaming Transport

    The paired back version in the G2.2 series by Auralic. This is the streaming transport with only digital outputs, this will need to be plugged into a DAC along the line. But for that you loose the somewhat noisy extra circuitry of the preamplifiers and DAC.

    As with the other units in the G2.2, it has a double chassis, 2nd generation galvanic isolation, tuned sprung feet and much more.

    Also typical of other Auralic units, this guy has a warmth to the sound that is hard to find with other digital front ends. 

    $10,495 with 4TB storage onboard

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  • Naim Uniti Star

    A killer all-in-one unit including amplifier, streamer and CD player. And this isn't just a thrown together assembly of various componentry. Each of its parts are in their own right, exceptional value and performance.

    Naim products bought from us, a genuine approved Naim dealer, include the full 2 year warranty. 

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  • Aurender ACS100 CD ripper/ streamer

    ACS100 cd ripper and server designed to be the digital storage device for all of your CDs. No more will you need to pull out the physical CD out of your collection. Simply rip them once, in high quality, and have them available on SSD/hardrives ready to go.

    This unit can augment your other Aurender devices to give you the capability to rip or it can be a standalone unit. 

    There are so many potential pitfalls when it comes to CD ripping and the Aurenders take care of them for you. For example the quality of the CD mechanism plays a huge part in the quality of the source you're left with. That's why Aurender have a top of the range TEAC made CD ripper built-in. The quality of the files also makes a difference and Aurender allow a choice of the best quality file formats available: FLAV, WAV ect, all high resolution standards.

    And of course the Aurender touch treating all pieces of the internal circuitry with the utmost care and precision and building a unit with the lowest noise floor possible. Easy to use software that is also designed to be the best sounding.

    Aurender prove again and again how their products take the digital world into the musical world effortlessly and beautifully.

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  • Aurender A1000 Streamer, server and DAC

    This is one of those high utility units that will serve a range of functions in your system and sound great doing it!

    As well as being a streamer, it has a DAC, in fact it has 2 DAC chips one for each chanel. It also can be a preamplifier and as an option it can be equipped with 8TB of storage for your digital music collection. 

    The dual mono circuit design means that it not only gets one DAC chip per chanel but the whole audio output board is separated into left and right with discrete power supplies for each.

    Quad core processor chips are the brains of the unit. Extreme processing capability. 

    A new feature for Aurenders is the HDMI input making this an easy upgrade for your home entertainment system as well. Plug your TV into the HDMI port and utilise your HiFi for your TV sound.

    To note, this unit has on board a bluetooth WiFi antenna but it is ONLY meant for Airplay and google cast connections. For its full functionality you will need to plug it into an ethernet port. If you don't have ethernet connectivity in the room where you'd like to place it, we can help you out with that.

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  • Aurender N150 Streamer and Caching Music Server

    Aurender is the new kid at Carlton Audio Visual. The choice for digital streaming options in the realm of real HiFi has blossomed over the last couple of years and for the uninitiated the nuances and the differences between a good digital front end and an incredible digital front end get lost in a lot of computer terminology.

    Like a caching server. What is caching? And whiy is it useful in a streamer?

    Caching is a temporary storage of information using certain drive and memory chip hardware. Having this caching server on board the streamer means the music files are stored right there at the streamer once selected so data is handled at dramatically increased speeds. It also eliminates annoying drop out problems from sub optimal internet connections.

    This all means a better musical experience.

    And more than the caching server, the Aurenders examine all the detail within the circuitry and connections in their units to reduce or eliminate noisy electronic componentry corrupting the musical signal. This means quieter noise floor, more detail and essence...more Music, less noise!

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  • Marantz SACD30N ... the Model 30 CD player and streamer

    This is something of a reincarnation product but with rather cutting edge digital disc and streaming tech . . Made in Japan with love. Physically the SA30 is actually gorgeous, the photos don't do it justice, it really exudes a quality aesthetic presence. In combination with the matching amp it is a piece of Hi Fi art that will make people who know nothing about stereo want to go and fondle it inappropriately ...

    StereoNet on the Model 30 release 

    Marantz UK site for the SACD30 

    "Hi-Fi News" loves the Model 30 

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  • Yamaha RN2000A Streaming Receiver ... heavy cruiser stereo tuner amp

    Have your cake and eat it with a Yamaha Receiver born again for the third decade of the 21st Century … the RN2000 is going to be very much in demand. In some ways this hearkens back to the Receiver wars of the seventies where the likes of Yamaha Marantz Sansui and Hitachi made increasingly higher powered and more heavily buttoned AM FM receivers that became the battleships of the marketplace. This RN2000 is more of a Heavy Cruiser than a Yamato class product though ... Like the Heavy Cruisers of the Japanese Navy in the early forties, the RN2000 is outstandingly useful and versatile with a remarkable number of functions and high performance in a single chassis. Unlike the mad flagship battleships they proved to be tough and largely survived the awful depredations of the Pacific war until sunk as target practice in 1946.

    This RN2000 is really nice though, actually a straightforward combination of the highly acclaimed AS1200 stereo amplifier with a high grade multifunction streaming engine and DAC. Come and listen to it through sweet natured loudspeakers. The FM section by the way is absolutely fantastic, hearkening back to the Yamaha T7 tuner of yore that is considered a reference for analogue broadcast quality.

    Yamaha RN2000 Official site

    "What Hi-Fi" on the Yamaha RN2000

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