I was in Liverpool on Decemeber 8th 1980 when John Lennon was pointlessly killed. The murderer should never have had access to a firearm and should have been treated for his mental illness long before he began to stalk John and Yoko. Freedom and the liberty of the individual are poor substitutes for sense and sensibility. 

Liverpool lost its guilded son and the world lost another segment of innocence that day. There is no redemption and no respite yet for Lennon's legacy. Rather it seems that whatever optimism we had for the 21st century has been lost in a terrible storm of right wing recividism exploiting social media to create division and sow disinformation.

That's really not a very happy Xmas message I'm afraid ...

But music gives us hope and marks our passage through this world. Without music there is no sense of the numinous and we are merely animals governed by our lessor urges.

An investment in music helps us be better at being human.

Imagine ...