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  • EOFY sale

    Its that time of year when stock that we have acquired must be ... rendered unto money before it becomes part of the stocktake. Concurrently our distributors are offering some unusually excellent deals that you can take advantage of by spending that tax refund that you dont have yet ...

    Up to fifty percent off on selected Loewe TV

    Up to fifty percent off on selected Rotel

    Up to thirty per cent off Spendor loudspeakers

    Twenty percent off selected Denon and Marantz

    A particularly brilliant series of full line liquidations of certain brands on display 

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  • You really must hear this ...


    We are very pleased to offer these demonstration premises that are quite unusual we believe.

    This is a dedicated opportunity for our clients to sample High Fidelity music reproduction at its most acoustically and aesthetically beautiful.

    The centrepiece are the Sonus faber Aida 2 loudspeakers powered by Audio Research electronics. 

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  • Bring us your old, your sick, your dead ...

    Each Saturday from now on we are having a session of Turntable tune and repair instore as a way to revive not only your old record player but also perhaps your flagging interest in a vinyl music collection corrupted by a faulty disc spinner. 

    One of the beauties of a turntable is that they are readily serviced with a few specialist tools and parts and reward a bit of TLC with far better sound and many years of life. In this fashion they are far more kindred to a good guitar or piano rather than a piece of consumer disposable electronics.

    We have manufacturer trained reps onsite from Project, Rega, Linn, and Ortofon. Should alas your old vinyl spinner be beyond reincarnation we can offer specials on upgrades to a new player.

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